Mary Abbott, Untitled, circa 1953
Charles Alston, Landscape with Hills, circa 1940
March Avery, Taking in the Nets, 1967
Milton Avery, Bay and Dunes, 1959
Milton Avery, Fish, 1952
Sally Michel Avery, Bucolic Landscape with Cows, 1963
Alice Baber, Across the Wide, Tokyo, 1964
Alice Baber, Rainforest to Palenque, Mexico, 1975
Hannelore Baron, Untitled (C82-142), 1982
Beryl Barr-Sharrar, Untitled (Park Avenue Series), 1979
Ed Baynard, Abstract (with Two White Vases), 2005
William Baziotes, Untitled, circa 1933-1935
Eugene Berman, Three Medusas, 1968
Virginia Berresford, Baroque Music, 1947
Nell Blaine, Tree at the Edge of the Field, Springs, 1967
Norman Bluhm, Untitled, circa 1960
Lawrence Calcagno, Untitled
Judy Chicago, Birth Tear/Tear, 1985
Enrico Donati, Aswan IV, 1984
Thomas Downing, Untitled, 1972
Charles DuBack, Clear Reflections
Charles DuBack, Tree Landscape, 1987
Stephen Edlich, Ouverture, with Cypress Forms, 1982
Amaranth Ehrenhalt, Untitled, 1994
Jimmy Ernst, Personal Equation, 1950
Perle Fine, Untitled, circa 1952
Perle Fine, Untitled, circa 1952
Seymour Fogel, Untitled
Sherron Francis, Eby, 1972
Suzan Frecon, Matrona
Jane Freilicher, Untitled I, 1958-59
Sonia Gechtoff, False Faces, circa 1950-52
Sonia Gechtoff, Portico I, 1979
Shirley Goldfarb, Untitled (7), 1963
Sidney Gordin, Untitled, 1958
Sidney Gordin, Untitled, 1958
Adolph Gottlieb, Untitled, 1966
Morris Graves, Offering, 1957
Cleve Gray, Zen Garden #106, 1982
Gertrude Greene, Byzantine, 1955
Chaim Gross, Birds of Peace, 1959
Chaim Gross, Young Acrobat, Version I, 1955
Juanita Guccione, A Good Catch, circa 1947
Juanita Guccione, Ill Wind from Europe, 1936
Juanita Guccione, Passport, circa 1949
Juanita Guccione, Plateau, circa 1946
Juanita Guccione, Study for Ladders, 1948
Juanita Guccione, War Gadgets, 1943
David Hare, Dancer, circa 1955
Albert Heckman, Untitled, circa 1950
Albert Heckman, Untitled, circa 1950
Albert Heckman, Untitled, circa 1950
Albert Heckman, Untitled, circa 1950
Albert Heckman, Untitled, circa 1950
Albert Heckman, Untitled, circa 1950
Sheila Hicks, Tapisseries du Vent, 1973
Hans Hofmann, Untitled, circa 1943
Sheila Isham, Lodging Light-Haiti #23, 1975
Yvonne Jacquette, From World Trade Center: Mixed Heights, 1997-98
Yvonne Jacquette, Searsport Harbor Night I, 1982
Yvonne Jacquette, Tokyo Diptych, 1985
Wolf Kahn, Summer Studio, 2012
Gerome Kamrowski, Blue Fossil, 1960
Gerome Kamrowski, Pink Garden, 1947
Gerome Kamrowski, Untitled, circa 1944
Lila Katzen, Inside the Black Diamond, 1964
Yeffe Kimball, Cepheus B, 1963
Willem de Kooning, Woman Study, c. 1960
Barbara Kruger, Untitled (FATE), 2001
Ted N. Kurahara, Study C60, 1960
Al Loving, Have a Nice Day, 1992
Calvin Marcus, Monument 8, 2018
Yoko Matsumoto, Work 1, 1965
Kyle Morris, Pendant Greens, 1958
Daphne Mumford, Tulips
Alice Neel, The Family, 1982
Georges Noel, Villa Adrienne #17, 1976
Hayward Oubre, Hitch Hiked, 1960
Hayward Oubre, The Trap, circa 1960
Betty Parsons, Untitled, circa 1975
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